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Pumpkins создатель Mind Map: Pumpkins

1. Writing

1.1. Creating Recipes

1.2. Journal Writing

1.3. Uses for the pumpkin

1.4. Captions and Cartoons

1.5. create a pumpkin vocabulary word wheel

1.6. create class book "Pumpkin,pumpkin, what do you see?"

2. Creative Art Projects

2.1. Seed Collages

2.2. Pumpkin Mask

2.3. Carving Customs

2.4. Design Faces

2.5. Festival Dances

2.6. Painting pumpkins

3. Social Studies

3.1. Different Cultures use of pumpkins

3.2. Origin of the pumpkin

3.3. Harvest Festival

3.4. Fall Activities

4. Reading

4.1. Following a recipe

4.2. Fingerplays

4.2.1. Five Little Pumpkins

4.3. Poems

4.3.1. Jack O' Faces

4.3.2. Pumpkin, Pumpkin, Round and Fat Poem

4.4. Songs

4.4.1. Jack-o-Lantern

4.5. Read Alouds

5. Math

5.1. Shapes- Pumpkins, faces, Squash

5.1.1. Create "My Shape-o-Lantern

5.2. Weight Estimation

5.3. Compare Weights: Whole, Carved, Rotten

5.3.1. measure pumpkins with a variety of manipulatives

5.4. Counting Seeds

5.5. Does size of pumpkin affect number of seeds inside?

5.6. measurement for pumpkin treat recipe

5.7. Graph "My Favorite Pumpkin Food"

5.8. Guesstimate the circumference of a pumpkin

6. Science

6.1. Lifecycle of pumpkin

6.2. What is a pumpkin?

6.3. Plant pumpkin seeds

6.4. different kinds of squash are gourds melons

6.5. Seasons