Racial Themes, Ideas, and Issues

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Racial Themes, Ideas, and Issues создатель Mind Map: Racial Themes, Ideas, and Issues

1. 1776-1861

1.1. 1776: Birth of America

1.1.1. United States of America gains independence from Britain

1.1.2. White settlers take over America/Native American land

1.2. 1814: Removal of Native Americans

1.2.1. Whites take over Creeks, Cherokee, and Chicasaw lands

1.2.2. Native Americans attempt to assimilate to America culture to avoid being targeted violently by whites but their plan failed

1.3. 1817-1818: Seminole War

1.3.1. Seminole Native Americans fought in a war against white Americans to defend their land and lost

2. 1776-1861 (continued)

2.1. 1840: Manifest Destiny

2.1.1. Notion U.S. politicians had that justified the expansion of America to the west

2.1.2. 1846: War As an attempt to further expand westward, the U.S. wanted to conquer Mexican land and declared war with Mexico 1848: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo A treaty was signed between Mexico and the US. It stated that in exchange for 15 million dollars, Mexico would cease 55% of its land to the US. Mexicans that were now on the US side had to assimilate to American culture and were belittled for their own Mexican culture, customs, language, and religion.

2.1.3. 1853: Jefferson Jefferson states blacks are inferior to whites because of racial and biological differences

2.1.4. 1862: Emancipation Proclamation President Lincoln declared all the salves to be free people through the act

3. 1776-1861 (continued)

3.1. Removal of Native Americans

3.1.1. Whites take over Creeks, Cherokee, and Chicasaw lands

3.1.2. Native Americans attempt to assimilate to America culture to avoid being targeted violently by whites but their plan failed

3.2. 1830: Indian Removal Act

3.2.1. President Jackson passes the "Indian Removal Act"

3.2.2. Natives were forced to give up their lands east of the Mississippi in exchange for lands to the west

3.3. 1835

3.3.1. Proposal to move Native Americans west of the Mississippi River