How do we keep our teeth healthy?

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How do we keep our teeth healthy? создатель Mind Map: How do we keep our teeth healthy?

1. How often should you brush your teeth?

1.1. Twice a day

2. How else do you keep your teeth clean without a toothbrush?

2.1. Swish your mouth out with water

2.1.1. chew sugar free gum.

2.2. Chew sugar free gum

3. How often should you go to the dentist?

3.1. Once a year (the video says)

3.1.1. We think we need to go twice a year

4. Examples of tooth healthy food (other than in the video):

4.1. Fruits

4.1.1. Pears

4.1.2. Bananas

4.1.3. Oranges

4.1.4. Apples

4.2. Vegetables

4.2.1. Carrots

4.2.2. Broccoli

4.2.3. Radishes

4.2.4. Tomatoes

5. What is a cavity and what can it do to your teeth?

5.1. A hole in your tooth

5.1.1. It affects your tooth and the other ones around it

5.1.2. Mess with the other parts of your mouth

5.1.3. It can cause bacteria and infections.