Race In Latin America

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Race In Latin America создатель Mind Map: Race In Latin America

1. When UNESCO sponsored a series of studies, looking at Bahia and Sao Paulo, the traditional theoretical approach, which focused of the concept of racial democracy, went under attack.

2. UNESCO revisionism was full of insights into Brazilian racial dynamics, but also had significant limitations. Among these was a tendency to reduce race to class and depriving racial dynamics of their own.

3. The impact of democratisation

3.1. Abertura, an important part of the answer as to why the Brazilian black movement is newly stirring, is the painfully slow re-emergence of civil society, which created conditions under which black political opposition could reappear.

3.2. Also demonstrates the limits of the various analyses of Brazilian racial dynamics.

4. UNESCO researchers as Azevedo, Bastide, Fernandez, and Harris documented as never before the prevalence of racial discrimination, and the persistence of the ideology of 'whitening', discredited around the 1930s after the interventions of Gilberto Freyre .

5. The UNESCO-sponsored research set new terms for debate, constituting a new racial revisionism.

6. Early Black Organization in Colombia

6.1. Blackness as a concept predates the Spanish conquest, since Africans were part of the Iberian populations. Two organizations still exists: Center for the Investigation and Development of Black Culture, and Cimarron.