Concept Maps using in Nursing School Jennifer Kroschel

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Concept Maps using in Nursing School Jennifer Kroschel создатель Mind Map: Concept Maps using in Nursing School Jennifer Kroschel

1. Introduction

1.1. What is Concept Mapping?

1.2. Why

1.2.1. Use in Education

1.2.2. Seven Principles for Good Education cooperation active learning high expectations diverse talents and ways of learning

2. Audience

2.1. Effective

2.1.1. Net Generation / Neo-millennials

2.1.2. Social

2.1.3. Accessable

2.2. Ineffective

2.2.1. Generation X / Baby Boomers / Older

2.2.2. Learning styles Include Audio / Visual Clips

3. Situations

3.1. Effective

3.1.1. Clinical Prep

3.1.2. Case Studies

3.1.3. Class outline

3.1.4. Example I Example 2

3.1.5. Organize course materials

3.1.6. Course Modules

3.2. Ineffective

3.2.1. Privacy Issues

3.2.2. Subscription

4. Implimentation

4.1. Cost

4.1.1. access

4.1.2. online toutorial

4.1.3. time to learn program

4.2. Accessability

4.3. Contextual Issues

4.3.1. server issues

4.3.2. closing

4.3.3. sabotage

4.4. Accessibility

4.4.1. computer

4.4.2. internet

5. Quality Issues

5.1. Instruction & Rubric

5.1.1. course objectives

5.1.2. use of technology

5.2. Student Evaluation

5.2.1. Summative

5.2.2. Formative

5.3. Student Feedback

5.3.1. value

5.3.2. other options

5.3.3. best way to use the program

6. Analysis

6.1. Recommendations

6.1.1. takes time

6.1.2. easy to grade

6.1.3. user friendly

7. Refrences

7.1. Annotated Bibliography

7.2. Presentation Script

8. Integrating this Innovation into my Classroom