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Scaffolding Ideas Kinder создатель Mind Map: Scaffolding Ideas Kinder

1. Demographic of students

1.1. Majority are Hondurans

1.1.1. Date

1.1.2. Time

1.1.3. Place

1.2. First language is English

1.2.1. Oral

1.2.2. Written

1.3. 10 males, 7 females

1.3.1. Multiple choice

1.3.2. Essay

1.3.3. Calculations

1.3.4. Open-ended questions

1.3.5. Close-ended questions

1.3.6. Close-ended questions

2. Standard 1: Identify letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case) (R.K.1.3.1). : BIG IDEA: Identify

2.1. Activity 1: In groups of 5, teacher will hand out a deck of alphabet cards, as a group the students must put the cards in alphabetical order.

2.1.1. Essays / Articles

2.1.2. Books

2.2. Activty 2: Teacher will hold up a card with a specific letter (student must find an object in the room that begins with that letter).

2.3. Activity 3: Student will complete a handout where they will have to color certain objects certain colors depending on the letter the object begins with,.

3. Standard 2 : Write the letters of the alphabet : BIG IDEA (Write)

3.1. Activity 1: Have students wirte out the letters of the alphabet using shaving scream

3.2. Activity 2: Have students go around and ask their peers how to spell their names (each student should write down 3 anmes)