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Social Authority создатель Mind Map: Social Authority

1. Find Content

1.1. Twitter

1.2. Content Gems

1.3. Topsy

1.4. Buzzsumo

1.5. Search in a Giphy

2. Curate With

2.1. Scoop.it

2.2. Paper.li

2.3. List.ly

3. Premium Tools

3.1. Sociocaster

3.2. Post Planner

3.3. One Soci

3.4. Co Schedule

3.5. Quicksprout

3.6. FB Curator

4. Posts To Wordpress

4.1. Speedblogging

4.2. Scoop.it

4.3. Content Gems

5. Social Sharing

5.1. Buffer

5.2. Hootsuite

5.3. Social Oomph