Family Studies Unit 1 Word Wall

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Family Studies Unit 1 Word Wall создатель Mind Map: Family Studies Unit 1 Word Wall

1. Emotional Intelligence

1.1. 8 emotions

1.1.1. Anger

1.1.2. Fear

1.1.3. Disgust

1.1.4. Trust

1.1.5. Joy

1.1.6. Sadness

1.1.7. Anticipation

1.1.8. Surprise

1.2. 5 Tasks

1.2.1. Understanding own emotions

1.2.2. Manage own emotions

1.2.3. Recognize emotions in others

1.2.4. Motivating yourself

1.2.5. Handling relationships

2. Multiple Intelligences

2.1. Visual-Spacial

2.2. Bodily-Kinesthetic

2.3. Interpersonal

2.4. Intrapersonal

2.5. Musical

2.6. Logical/Mathematical

2.7. Naturalist

2.8. Existential

2.9. Linguistic

3. Adolescent Development

3.1. Developmental Life Tasks

3.1.1. Build your Identity

3.1.2. Become Independent

3.1.3. Plan for Employment

3.2. Social Development

3.3. Intellectual Development

3.3.1. Use logic and problem solve

4. Stages of Development

4.1. Infancy

4.2. Toddler

4.3. Preschool

4.4. School-Age

4.5. Adolescence

5. Self-Concept

5.1. Who are you?

5.2. What makes you who you are?

5.2.1. Nature

5.2.2. Nurture