1. Instructional Practice to support ELL students
1.1. Who?
1.1.1. ELL coordinators and specialists
1.2. What?
1.2.1. Train all teachers to support ELLs and align with new standards
1.2.2. Provide support for ELL coaches to continually improve practice and guide educators
1.2.3. Provide professional development for general education teachers on strategies for long-term ELLs and special education/ELL students
1.2.4. Ensure content area teachers receive training and ongoing coaching for working with ELL students
1.3. When?
1.3.1. throughout the year
1.3.2. on regular basis
1.4. Where?
1.4.1. School
1.4.2. Professional Development meetings
1.5. Why?
1.5.1. to train school leadership and teachers in ELL needs
1.6. How?
1.6.1. Provide regions/districts PD for content area coaches that integrates ELL strategies
1.6.2. Include early learning education coordinators/coaches in PD when appropriate
1.6.3. Ensure ELL is included in all components of strategic district plans
1.6.4. Ensure strong communication and training for all ELL specialists and coaches regarding integration
2. Positive Identity & Primary Language Development
2.1. Who?
2.1.1. School board
2.1.2. Teachers
2.2. What?
2.2.1. Reflect linguistic/cultural diversity in curriculum and teaching practice
2.2.2. Ensure social studies, English, science, and other curricula are inclusive and culturally relevant
2.2.3. Ensure school environments reflect students’ cultural and linguistic heritage
2.2.4. Hire/develop instructional staff and leadership that reflect diversity and language of student population
2.2.5. Increase dual language programs
2.3. When?
2.3.1. Ongoing process throughout the year
2.4. Where?
2.4.1. All around school grounds
2.4.2. Family
2.4.3. Classroom
2.5. Why?
2.5.1. To have students feel like they are a part of community
2.5.2. To have students respect different backgrounds and cultures
2.6. How?
2.6.1. Staff/faculty/leadership utilize data to develop deep understanding of their students cultural/ linguistic background and integrate this into daily practice
2.6.2. Instruction throughout the day and across K-12, as evidenced in Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) and other student work, engages students in learning not only about multiple cultures, but also to reflect on relationships between cultures and themselves
2.6.3. Library materials and various classroom and extracurricular activities throughout the school day reflect linguistic and cultural diversity e.g. global music programs, culturally contextualized math problems, science case studies that are relevant to diverse student population
2.6.4. Student and parent leadership activities engage students/families in self-reflection and opportunities for them to impact the development of a culturally and linguistically responsive school system
2.6.5. Social studies, English and science classroom materials and online content includes topics and authors that are representative of the school community and diverse student population
2.6.6. Professional development for teachers/staff/faculty addresses white privilege/race, authentic relationship building, and supporting positive identity development for students and families
2.6.7. Professional development infrastructure addresses culturally responsive teaching
2.6.8. Sponsor heritage language learning, leading to literacy, for students through programs that students participate in on a weekly basis in a variety of formats, including online
3. Comprehensive Data Collection
3.1. Who?
3.1.1. Registrars
3.1.2. ELL coordinators
3.2. What?
3.2.1. Collect clearly defined ELL typology data
3.2.2. Use appropriate assessments to determine needs and course placement
3.2.3. Provide assessments in students’ primary languages that accurately measures student academic knowledge and course placement
3.3. When?
3.3.1. beginning of the year
3.3.2. monthly
3.4. Where?
3.4.1. in the classroom
3.5. Why?
3.5.1. to provide students with all the necessary assistance
3.5.2. to set achievable goals
3.6. How?
3.6.1. develop a method to collect typology data from various sources (e.g., families, school staff, district staff, CBOs) and train staff to collect data in a culturally sensitive way
3.6.2. Orient and train registrars, data processors, ELL teachers, and school staff who enter data based on the classifications
3.6.3. Determine the data points, data system needs assessment, and methods for data transfer
3.6.4. Determine the high-stake standards for newcomers by grade level in four content areas
4. Post-Secondary Success
4.1. Who?
4.1.1. School councelors
4.1.2. School administration
4.1.3. College/university representatives
4.2. What?
4.2.1. Develop authentic relationships aimed at sharing resources and knowledge between secondary schools and community/ technical colleges
4.2.2. Promote meaningful pathways for ELLs into college through district and college partnerships
4.2.3. Promote awareness, advising, and preparation to ELL students and families
4.2.4. Provide information and resources to linguistically diverse students and their families (including undocumented students) regarding postsecondary options and funding opportunities
4.3. When?
4.3.1. throughout high-school years
4.4. Where?
4.4.1. school
4.4.2. college/university coperation
4.5. Why?
4.5.1. to ensure ELL students' success after graduation
4.5.2. to promote awareness and preparation for post-secondary life
4.6. How?
4.6.1. Progress monitoring processes are in place that keep students, teachers, and families apprised and allow them to work toward academic goals
4.6.2. Schools partner with CBOs, higher education, and career-credential/apprenticeship programs to facilitate access to resources to 4-year colleges and CTCs for ELL/former ELL secondary students and their families
4.6.3. Identify appropriate meeting participants depending on respective structures and resources and establish quarterly meetings for at least one year to discuss ELL population
4.6.4. Meetings provide opportunity for schools to communicate particular student needs to each other
5. Parent Engagement
5.1. Who?
5.1.1. School board
5.1.2. Administration
5.1.3. Teachers
5.1.4. Parents
5.2. What?
5.2.1. Promote family engagement support that reflects student demographics
5.2.2. Engage ELL families in supporting their children’s learning from birth through post-secondary
5.2.3. Provide linguistically diverse families with education about ways to support their children’s success in school
5.2.4. Promote leadership skills and access points for linguistically diverse families to have a voice/ influence in schools and early learning settings
5.2.5. Communicate importance of primary language and culture to schools, families, and communities
5.2.6. Districts, schools, and CBOs to demonstrate and communicate the value of primary language and culture
5.3. When?
5.3.1. Throughout the year
5.4. Where?
5.4.1. School grounds
5.4.2. Classroom
5.4.3. Student homes
5.5. Why?
5.5.1. to ensure ELL students' success not only in school, but also after graduating from school
5.5.2. To have ongoing influence on ELL students
5.6. How?
5.6.1. Provide opportunities for literacy and language/technology learning for parents embedded within parent engagement programs and alongside learning of students
5.6.2. parents/families to be engaged in decision making processes in school
5.6.3. Send weekly newsletters to parents keeping them aware of school events and encourage them to participate
5.6.4. Create events that would gather parents and teachers (international night, parent-teacher conferences) and define goals and parents' expectation