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Getting Ready For Exams создатель Mind Map: Getting Ready For Exams

1. Stress Less

1.1. Deep breathing

1.2. Massage

1.3. Exercise

1.4. Positive thinking

1.4.1. "I can do this!"

1.5. Do something that makes you happy

2. Create a Study Countdown

2.1. Get clear on how many days you have to study for each subject.

2.2. Create a sense of urgency

2.3. Prioritize

3. Studying Exam Content

3.1. Do practice questions

3.2. Ask questions constantly

3.2.1. "What does this mean?"

3.3. Explain the ideas to a friend

3.4. Mind Map it

4. Be Strategic

4.1. Use past exam papers

4.1.1. Find papers from previous exams, classes, even old homework assignments

4.2. Talk to teachers

4.2.1. " Is it important to know?"

4.3. Make a unit outline

4.3.1. Treat it as a study guide

5. Break Down the Exam Content

5.1. Take regular breaks

5.2. Create a plan

5.2.1. Tackle a bit each day

6. Look After Your Mind and Body

6.1. Eat healthy foods, especially breakfast

6.2. Drink lots of water

6.3. Excercise

6.4. Get 8.5-9.5 hours of sleep each night