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Courseware for Learning создатель Mind Map: Courseware for Learning

1. Teacher-Directed Courseware

1.1. Drills

1.1.1. Record of Student Performance

1.1.2. Practice skills at varied difficulties

1.1.3. Digital flashcards and digital notebooks

1.2. Tutorials

1.2.1. Model Information

1.2.2. Model Skills

1.3. Tools and Open-Ended Instruction

1.3.1. Google Sites

1.3.2. Mind Meister

2. Student-Centered Courseware

2.1. Simulations

2.1.1. Enhancement of motivation to learn

2.1.2. Controlling the phenomena

2.1.3. Correlation to simulation to reality

2.2. Hypermedia

2.2.1. Wikipedia

2.2.2. Webquests

2.3. Educational Games

2.3.1. Logic and puzzle games

2.3.2. Word games