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Chromedia Tech Dev Flow создатель Mind Map: Chromedia Tech Dev Flow

1. 2. Customer Research

1.1. Persona Development

1.2. Customer Journeys

1.3. Define MVPs per Persona

2. 3. Business Modeling

2.1. Revenue Models

2.2. Competitive Landscape

2.3. What is the target Market

2.4. Budget

2.5. What's the cost of customer acquisition?

2.6. Marketing Plan

2.7. Growth Targets

2.8. What Problems will the software solve?

3. 4. Road Mapping

3.1. Product Ownership

3.1.1. Write User Stories

3.2. Tech Stack Defined

3.2.1. Match Open Source Platforms

3.2.2. Native or WebApp Mobile

3.3. Content Plan Developed

3.4. Brand Development

3.5. Server Strategy

3.5.1. Set up local environments

3.5.2. Set up Repositories and Versioning

3.5.3. Design backup strategies

3.6. Define Phases/MVP

4. 5. User Interface Prototyping

4.1. Design Markups

5. 1. New Client Introductions

5.1. 10,000 ft proposal

5.2. Client Questionnaire

5.3. Interviews

5.4. MindMap Epics

6. 6. Agile Development

6.1. Product Backlog

6.2. Sprint Planning

6.3. Daily SCRUM

6.4. Write Code

6.5. Quality Control

6.6. Demonstration

6.7. Release

6.8. Review and Learn

7. 7. Test and Measure

7.1. A/B Testing

7.2. Analytics

7.3. Google Web Master Tools

7.4. Event Tracking

7.5. Learn and Iterate

8. 8. Manage and Maintain

8.1. Hosting / System Administration

8.2. CRM

8.3. Help Desk

8.4. New Features

9. 9. Growth Marketing

9.1. Acquisition

9.2. Activation

9.3. Retention

10. 10. Growth Management

10.1. Strategy

10.2. Growth Economics

10.3. Cash Flow

10.4. Organizational Design

10.5. People