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Cosmology создатель Mind Map: Cosmology

1. Light Year

2. The distance traveled by light in one year.

3. Light travels almost 10,000 billion kilometers in one year

4. The Big Bang THEORY

5. The Cosmic Microwave Background is radiation that is uniformly detected from every direction in space.

6. The THEORY that all matter and energy in the universe was compressed into a tiny volume 13.7 billion years ago that then exploded and began expanding in all directions. It continues to move.

7. This expansion explains the Doppler Red Shift. The age of the universe has been determined by the Cosmic Microwave Background.

8. Results from the relative motion of a light emitting objects in space and its observer

8.1. If the light source is moving away, it appears red. If the light source is moving closer, it appears blue.

9. The study of the origin, structure, and future of the universe.

10. Doppler Red Shift

11. Cosmological Red Shift

11.1. A red shift caused by the expansion of space