Babushka's Doll by Patricia Polacco

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Babushka's Doll by Patricia Polacco создатель Mind Map: Babushka's Doll by Patricia Polacco

1. respect

1.1. learning to show people you value them with your actions.

1.1.1. I appreciate my parent's hard work and show them I respect their hard work with kindness.

1.2. When my friends respect me, they listen.

1.2.1. I worked very hard on a Mother's Day project for several days. My mother showed me how much she respected my hard work with her actions.

1.3. When I am disrespectful to people, I am saying that I don't value their hard work.

1.3.1. Once my sister spent a long time trying to cook a cake for our family. After all her hard work, I told her it was ugly. I made her feel bad which made me feel bad.

2. kindness

2.1. treat people nicely

2.1.1. I have said mean things to my classmates. These mean words hurt them.

2.1.2. I told a friend something kind and it made their day.