Understanding Technology

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Understanding Technology создатель Mind Map: Understanding Technology

1. Sites

1.1. Age appropriate

1.2. Gurdian approved

1.3. Safe

1.4. Good language

1.5. Good protection against threats

1.6. Appropriate images

1.7. Keep personal information to yourself

2. Stalkers

2.1. Make sure that you know what information you can trust

2.2. Make sure that you are aware of lies

2.3. Remember what they told you

2.4. Make sure that you can tell when someone is lying and when someone is telling the truth

2.5. Never tell anyone your personal information

2.6. Never tell anyone you will meet them

3. Online friends

3.1. What their language

3.2. Block them if you need to

3.3. Make sure that you know who they are in real life

3.4. Make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into

3.5. Never tell anyone what your information is

3.6. Make sure that your parents approve of your frineds

3.7. Make sure that you know who they hang out with

3.8. Block them if they say somethign that makes you feel uncomfortable

4. Images

4.1. Make sure that they are approptiate

4.2. Make sure that you are wearing a good outfit that covers your body

4.3. Make sure that you know what you are posting

4.4. Think before pressing OK

4.5. Make sure that you know who will be viewing your images

4.6. Only share images to known people

4.7. Don't ut an image of yourself fdor your icon

5. Plagarism

5.1. Before copy and pasting things, make sure that the creator is okay with it

5.2. When you are copy and pasting images, make sure that you give the creator credit

5.3. Before using an image, make sure that are wording it word for word

5.4. If you don't want to copy something word for word then you can read it as use your own words but keep the theme

5.5. When you are copying put the site where you got it from

6. Dating online

6.1. Never agree to date someone off the internet

6.2. Make sure that your parents know about all the relationships that you have

6.3. Make sure that your parents approve of the person that you are dating

6.4. Be sure that you know who you are agreeing to meet/ date in real life

6.5. Never agree to go out with your boyfriend/girlfriend if you met them off the internet

6.6. Never tell anyone your information even if they say that they are your boyfriend/ girlfriend or if they know you in real life

7. Buying online

7.1. Only put in your credit card number if you can't pay with cash

7.2. Be careful that you really look at what you are buying and make sure that you think it is worth the money and time

7.3. Make sure that you know what you are buying

7.4. Look at where the shipment is coming from

7.5. Check to make sure that you think the shipping price is reasonable for where the shipment is coming from

7.6. Check to make sure that if you do pay for shipping it says how much tax would be

7.7. Look the person that you are buying from to make sure that they don't have a history of using other people's credit card to buy things for themselves

7.8. Only buy something if you need to

8. Identity theft

8.1. Make sure that you don't tell anyone your personal information

8.2. Make sure that you don't tell anyone your name

8.3. Never put in your personal information on the web

8.4. Don't post images of something that might give away things like your information or something more valuable

9. Communication

9.1. Age appropriate text messages

9.2. Appropriate images

9.3. Safe messages

9.4. Blocked language

9.5. Location off

9.6. Keep personal information to yourself

9.7. Never agree to meet someone you met off the internet

10. Fraud

10.1. Make sure that you are on sites that fit your age

10.2. Make your password so it is not easy to guess but easy to remember

10.3. Make your information so you don't have to put in your personal things

10.4. Make sure that when you are on the internet, your location is off

10.5. Never tell anyone your personal information

10.6. Make sure that you know the threats of all the sites you are on

10.7. Never put something on the internet that gives anything away