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Race in Latin America создатель Mind Map: Race in Latin America

1. Brazil

1.1. UNESCO Studies

1.1.1. brought attention to rampant racism lead to racial revisionism Destroyed racial democracy myth

1.2. Black Movement

1.2.1. Gaining attention after a long hiatus

1.2.2. Occupies a permanent place in politics of Brazil

1.2.3. Democratization

1.3. Racial Formation Theory

1.3.1. developed as a response to reductionism

1.3.2. Race is a phenomenon whose meaning is contested throughout social life

1.4. Racism still a strong force within the country. Some people blamed it on class instead of race.

1.4.1. Azevedo

1.5. The re-emergence of civil society

2. Columbia

2.1. Constitutional Reform

2.2. Political Economy of Cultural Struggle

2.3. Black Oranizations

2.3.1. The center for the investigation and development of black culture Formed by students and educated people. Produced a monthly newspaper. Funded by UNESCO.

2.3.2. Cimarron Stemmed from study group decentralize nature allows for wider influence

2.3.3. Both had limited impact

2.4. Ethno-Orientalism

2.5. Constitutional Reform

2.5.1. Multicultural and pluriethnic

3. Whitening

4. Struggle for Economic Mobility

5. Indigenous Communities

5.1. Fighting for their land

5.2. Forced to share their resources

5.3. Police Brutality

5.3.1. Protests

5.4. Industrialization ruining rural life

6. Racism