Promoting success and retention in online courses

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Promoting success and retention in online courses создатель Mind Map: Promoting success and retention in online courses

1. Retention

1.1. Ease and Accessibility

1.1.1. Intro course such as College 100

1.2. positive work ethic

1.2.1. Student confidence

1.3. realistic goals accomplished

2. Must have material

2.1. Capable computer

2.2. necessary programs

2.2.1. All APUS Students can download Microsoft office free of charge

2.3. Textbooks

2.3.1. Textbooks can be bought in local bookstores and online Military members are approved for free digital textbooks through APUS and Vitalsource

3. Motivation

3.1. Self Esteem

3.2. Background

3.3. Social interation

4. Success

4.1. Teacher involvement

4.1.1. E-mail messages and check ups

4.2. Study habits

4.2.1. successful study habits

4.3. computer skills

4.3.1. basic skills needed

4.4. academic plan that follows learning stages

4.5. organization and study tools

4.5.1. determining what type of learner you are

4.6. Motivation

5. Resources

5.1. APUS Library


5.3. E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age Marc Rosenberg 2001, The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc, P.O. Box 182604, Columbus, OH 43272, USA

5.4. The Role of Academic and Non-Academic Factors in Improving College Retention (

5.5. Simpson, Ormond, Student Retention in Online, Open, and Distance Learning(2003)

5.6. Braxton, John M., Doyle, William R., and Hartley, Harold V, Rethinking College Student Retention(2013)