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New Path создатель Mind Map: New Path

1. Mental Health

1.1. New Path promotes mental health and wellness for children, youth and families

2. Supportive Community

2.1. Provides services in a respectful, dignified and equal way

2.2. Has programs in Barrie, Orillia, Alliston, Bradford, Collingwood, Cookstown, and Midland

3. Better Future

3.1. New Path gets to know you and your family to better help each family as each family is unique and may need a different service.

4. Many Programs

4.1. Some programs that New Path provide are Adolescent Outreach, Attendance Centre, Community Partners with Schools, Blind-Low Visions Program, CTN Child and Family Counselling Program, Early Years Services, Infant Hearing Program, Intensive services for Students Program, Multi-Disciplinary Consultation Clinic, New Directions Treatment Program, Probation In House Clinical Services, Residential Program, Respite, Youth and Family Counselling

5. There is no charge to families for individual and family counselling

6. Values

6.1. New Path has 8 core values: Exceptional Support, Collaboration, Leadership, Accountability, Excellence, Environmental Responsibility, Entrereneurship, Advocacy

7. New Path was founded in 1996, and on April 1, 2000 the foundation became the New Path Foundation of Simcoe County

8. Provide emergency contact

8.1. Crisis Response Service 705-728-5044

9. Health and Human Services

9.1. 211 Ontario and Kids Help Phone

10. New Path Partners

10.1. Children’s Mental Health Ontario, Simcoe County Coalition, Social Enterprise Alliance, Youth Justice Ontario, Ontario Nonprofit Network, The NonProfit Centers Network, Triple P Ontario Website, Ontario Trillium Foundation