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ISTE#3 создатель Mind Map: ISTE#3

1. Process data and report results

1.1. Anaylizing and looking over your data is always good to do

1.2. Look over your results and data

2. Plan strategies to guide inquiry

2.1. Planning ahead always is a good idea

2.1.1. always get as much info as you can

2.1.2. Being prepared will make you more ready for anything

3. Disecting

3.1. Process; A continuous action or series of changes

3.2. Report;a statement descibing in detail an event

3.3. Inquiry;request for information or knowledge

3.4. Results;Something that happens as an outcome

4. Tweet:Processing and analyzing your data is always a good thing to do because you will have a better insight and have more knowledge of that topic

5. Brainsorm