Ethics learned early especially in a classroom setting, will be one of the largest driving factor...

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Ethics learned early especially in a classroom setting, will be one of the largest driving factors for the aspiring business professional. создатель Mind Map: Ethics learned early especially in a classroom setting, will be one of the largest driving factors for the aspiring business professional.

1. Teaching Ethics

1.1. 1. Many students carry a sense of what they believe being ethical is while they do not really understand. Breaking down those barriers and developing ethical ideas is the point here.

1.2. 2. Ethics Cannot be completely taught. Making people aware is the key.

1.3. 3. Decisions that have moral and ethical implications are made quickly and having the knowledge to inform those decisions makes all the difference.

2. Early Learning/lifelong habits.

2.1. 1. One major factor of teaching whether college or previous is building values and character.

2.2. 2. Being that ethics and character cannot be completely taught it is important to try to foster and grow these sentiments as much as possible.

3. Ethics are necessary in business.

4. The information is yellow are statements or paraphrases from the links listed. While the white writing is assertions from reading the text.

5. Business Ethics

5.1. 1. People understand that being unethical is wrong but being ethical has many benefits as well many of which drive the economy. ie. Trust

5.2. 2. Having ethics/morals and strength of character from the beginning make for a much easier transition from student to professional.

6. learning styles and ethics