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Chest Discomfort создатель Mind Map: Chest Discomfort

1. smoking hx

2. Pneumonia

2.1. Previous infection

2.2. Pleuritic chest pain

2.3. Febrile

3. Pulmonary

3.1. Pulmonary Embolism

3.1.1. Signs of DVT

3.1.2. HR>100

3.1.3. Immobilization

3.1.4. Hemoptysis

3.1.5. Malignancy

3.2. Pneumothorax

3.2.1. Young male

3.2.2. tachycardia,

3.2.3. chest pain

3.3. Asthma

3.3.1. No respiratory distress

3.3.2. young male

3.3.3. wheeze

3.3.4. smoking hx

3.4. COPD

4. Respiratory distress

5. Other

5.1. Post herpetic neuralgia

5.1.1. Personal Hx of infection, >65 years old.

5.1.2. Excoriations or scarring along dermatomes

5.1.3. Positive HZV antibodies

5.2. Trauma

5.2.1. Broken rib or pneumothorax on CXR

5.3. Pancreatitis

5.3.1. Abrupt onset 10/10 pain radiating to back

5.3.2. Grey-Turner sign, Cullen sign, guarding, peritoneal signs

5.3.3. Elevated lipase, possibbly gallsotes on U/S, possibly calcification of pancreas

5.4. Esophageal Perfomarion

5.4.1. Media-stinal pneumothorax on CXR

5.5. Billiary

5.5.1. RUQ pain, personal or fam Hx of gallstons

5.5.2. Positive Murphys Sign

5.5.3. POssibly elevated liver enzymes, Gallstones on U/S

6. Cardiovascular

6.1. Pericarditis

6.1.1. Friction rub

6.1.2. ECG changes - diffuse ST elevation, diffuse PR depression (everywhere except aVR), no reciprocal changes (ie. no ischemia)

6.2. Myocarditis

6.2.1. Common causes: recent viral illness, radiation

6.3. Acute Coronary Syndrome

6.3.1. STEMI

6.3.2. NSTEMI

6.4. Aortic Dissection

6.5. Dilating Aneurysm

7. Pleuritic pain

7.1. Sharp, localized, better with sitting up, worse with breathing

8. Ischemic pain