Friendship and adventure are at the center of chapters 8-11.

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Friendship and adventure are at the center of chapters 8-11. создатель Mind Map: Friendship and adventure are at the center of chapters 8-11.

1. Chapter 8

1.1. I Spare Miss Watson's JIm

1.2. "Pretty soon he gapped and stretchered himself and hove off the blanket, and it was Miss Watson's Jim! I bet I was glad to see him."

1.3. In this chapter Huck finds Miss Watson's slave Jim on the same island that he is staying on. At first Jim thinks that Huck is a ghost but Huck is able to convince him he is not. Huck talks to Jim and finds out that he escaped because he was worried Miss Watson would sell him.

2. Chapter 9

2.1. The House Of Death Floats By

2.2. "I didn't look at him at all. Jim throwed some old rags over him, but he needn't done it; I didn't want to see him."

2.3. In this chapter Huck and Jim scavenge around the river finding wood and logs, until they find a house drifting down the river. They enter the house and find a dead man in the house. Jim puts rags over the dead man so that Huck would not have to look at him. They search around the house and take some supplies then leave.

3. Chapter 10

3.1. What Comes Of Handlin' Snake-skin

3.2. "Now you think it's bad luck; but what did you say when I fetched in the snake-skin that I found on the top of the ridge day before yesterday? You said it was the worst bad luck in the world to touch snake skin with my hands. Well, here's your bad luck! We've racked in all this truck and eight dollars besides. I wish we could have some bad luck like this every day, Jim."

3.3. At the beginning of this chapter Huck talks about the time he touched a snake skin with his bare hands to which Jim replies that it is bad luck to touch snake skin in fact the worst kind. Huck says that if touching that snake brought him and Jim all that stuff from the house he wishes that they had that kind of bad luck every day. Latter on in the chapter Huck puts a dead snake in Jim's bed as a prank, but it back fires when the snake's mate slithers in to Jim's bed and bites him. When Jim heals Huck says he wants to go back to town to find out what is going on because he is bored. Jim suggest that he go into town dressed as a girl so that no recognizes him. Huck thinks this is a great idea and sets off to town in his canoe dressed as a girl.

4. Chapter 11

4.1. They Are After Us

4.2. "Git up and hump your self, Jim! There ain't a minute to lose. They're after us!"

4.3. In this chapter Huck arrives in town and wanders to a woman's house. He befriends this woman and she talks to him about what is going on in the town. She tells Huck that a group of towns people will go looking for Jim at midnight because they believe he is the one who killed Huck. Latter on she sees through Huck's disguise when she throws a peace of lead into his lap he brings his thighs closer together. She then questions Huck on who he really is. Huck says he is an escaped apprentice running from his care taker who is a farmer. She believes this and lets him go with some food. Huck goes straight for the island and tell Jim they have to leave immediately. They pack their stuff and go.