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Curry Chronicle создатель Mind Map: Curry Chronicle

1. Off-Court

1.1. This page will go into what kind of stuff Steph is involved in off the court (ex. charity work, appearances, etc.)

1.1.1. Infographics- This will have a infographic showing how much time he puts into charity and how much money he has raised and so on.

1.1.2. Social Media

2. Handles

2.1. This page will show off Steph's handles and best ankle breakers of the season and career. And will go over what it takes for him to be a dominant ball handler.

2.1.1. Video or Animation- This will be videos of his ball handling highlights and best ankle breakers.

2.1.2. Social Media

3. About

3.1. This page will tell who Steph Curry is, how he came to be and who he is now as a MVP of the NBA.

3.1.1. Digital Photos

3.2. Canvas Design

4. Contact

4.1. This page will tell how to contact me if anyone has questions or concerns.

4.1.1. Social media- This will have my social media accounts to contact me with.

4.2. Google form

5. Shooting

5.1. This page will have highlights of Steph's shooting wows throughout the season and have a top 10 best shooting plays of his career. Also will depict how he shoots the ball.

5.1.1. Video or Animation- This will showcase Stephs shooting highlights using videos of him in games.

5.1.2. Social media

6. Homepage

6.1. On this page it will have a full description of what the website is about and how fans can see exactly what they want when it comes to the wonder that is Steph Curry

6.1.1. Digital Photo Editing- I will be making some unique photos of Steph and more.

6.1.2. Logo

6.2. Canvas Design

6.3. Screencast presentation

7. Tagline: Everything and anything Steph Curry

8. App Design