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Coats For Change создатель Mind Map: Coats For Change

1. Home

1.1. The Home page will provide an overview of CFC in a way that sticks out to the visitor.

1.1.1. Photo Editing: Photos will be posted of volunteer work.

1.1.2. Logo: A logo for the website will be included on all links.

1.1.3. Video Project: I will add a promo to the website that shows the severity of children in poverty.

2. About

2.1. The About page will go into further detail of CFC, explain why they should be interested, and provide key information for visitors.

2.1.1. Infographics: I will provide information about children who are in poverty and in need of winter clothing.

2.1.2. Graphic Designs/QR Codes: I will create flyers that provide basic information of CFC that can be distributed.

3. Our Mission

3.1. The Our Mission page will provide a short but attention-grabbing statement of what CFC is all about.

4. Contact

4.1. This page will provide contact information for visitors who have questions.

4.1.1. App Prototype: I will create an app that allows visitors to make quick donations online or find nearby places to make donations.

4.1.2. Social Media: I will provide links for visitors for visitors to share information on social media (Facebook, Twitter) of CFC and ways to get involved.

5. Get Involved

5.1. This page will provide information on how visitors can make donations and become part of CFC.

5.1.1. Google Form: I will submit a link for a google form where visitors can leave their name and contact information for further information on CFC.