IVF in Egypt

This is a map of chapters 2 and 3 of "Local Babies, Global Science."

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IVF in Egypt создатель Mind Map: IVF in Egypt

1. Knowledge

1.1. Some people are against IVF

1.2. Many Egyptians lack the knowledge about IVF technologies

1.3. There is little scientific literacy on IVF available to the public

1.4. There is also conflicting knowledge about IVF that makes it hard to make decisions about it

1.5. Many people see morality problems when it comes to IVF care and treatments

2. Class

2.1. The upper class has the means and the most access to quality IVF treatments

2.2. The middle class has access to IVf, but must find ways to pay for the expensive treatments by selling their belongings, borrowing from family members, or dipping into their savings

2.3. The lower class has limited access to IVF because they have no money to pay for it and many do not feel like the poor should reproduce more poor children

2.4. Egypt has a stratified class system

2.5. There are differences between public and private facilities in regards to seeking IVF care