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The indefinite articles . создатель Mind Map: The indefinite articles .

1. The indefinite articles . They are used to refer to something or someone in singular.

2. 1. For class members . We use a / an with a name or noun to talk about a member of a class . For example: Carla lives in a nice big house My uncle is an engineer

3. To learn properly use indefinite articles in English see their different rules and applications:

4. 2. Describe . We use a / an when we describe people or things. For example: My girlfriend is a beautiful woman That is an elephant

5. 3. Do not Use A / W . We do not use a / an with names or nouns that are written in plural or are countless , because a / an means "one " . For example: My grand parents are teachers ( not ... to teachers ) Would you like some bread ? (Not ... a bread )

5.1. We do not use a / an with this single adjective without a noun. For example: Carla is a very good architect Carla is very good (Not Carla is a very good )

5.2. We do not use a / an with another determinant , as they can be my and your . For example: She is a friend of mine ( She is Not to my friend ) She is a friend of mine

6. As you can tell indefinite articles a and n mean the same , they are only used for different names or nouns. The article is used for names and nouns that begin with consonants. An article used for names and nouns that begin with a vowel.

7. example of indefinite articles

7.1. I am a good student. He is a pilot. It is a good movie. He is a happy child. It is a lovely day. The gift is a new book. She is a smart girl. It is a sunny day. He is a clever boy.

7.2. It is an old university . He is an unusual man. It is an ugly hotel. It is an empty bottle. It is an easy question. It is an apple. It is an exception to the rule. She is an honest woman. It is an egg.