7 Essential Tips For Spiritual Enlightenment

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7 Essential Tips For Spiritual Enlightenment создатель Mind Map: 7 Essential Tips For Spiritual Enlightenment

1. 4. Binge

1.1. Fill up your mind with solid information that resonates with YOU.

1.2. If Buddha is your homeboy, rock out with him.

1.3. If you love Jesus, thump that Bible.

1.4. Learn more about how to be the best human you can possibly be.

2. 5. Practice

2.1. Once you’ve found your groove, actively put your learnings into physical practice.

2.2. Journal about all that you’re noticing.

2.3. Do yoga. Hike. Run. Walk. Lunge. Stretch. And, most importantly, LOVE your body.

2.4. If you truly want spiritual enlightenment, be the light.

2.5. Do it. The saying “Practice what you preach,” is a legit combination of words.

2.6. Be like YOU and only YOU.

3. 6. Give

3.1. Give back and pay it forward.

3.2. Make a difference in this world by sharing your time, talents and compassion with others.

3.3. Discover whatever it is that you LOVE to do and do that more than anything else.

3.4. If we want to exhale, we must first INHALE.

4. 7. Repeat

4.1. Begin this process all over again when you feel the need.

4.2. Everything in life is cyclical. Time is not linear.

4.3. Give yourself permission to reinvent all that you are while you constantly expand as a human.

4.4. True enlightenment is to live it every day and know that the Ego will always be a part of us. We do have the capacity to become emotionally intelligent enough to know when our Ego is trying to lead the way.

4.5. Accept and embrace your Ego while being committed to become the best version of yourself in this lifetime.

4.6. Be gentle with yourself and know that you ARE enough.

4.7. Love all that is you.

5. 1. Be curious

5.1. Discover more. And experience more.

5.2. No one else can want this journey more for you than you want it for you

5.3. Dive in, dig deep and uncover some of the questions we haven’t been able to answer on our own.

6. 2. Purge

6.1. Make room for more.

6.2. Stuff, people, food, products, or habits that are no longer serving us

6.3. Don’t cast these anchors away with contempt or anger.

6.4. Gently let go

6.5. Physical clutter creates mental and spiritual clutter.

7. 3. Cleanse

7.1. Introduce only the best of the best.

7.2. Eat high vibration and REAL food

7.3. If we eat crap, it clouds our entire state and lowers our vibration.

7.4. Organize your living and working space so your creativity can flow

7.5. Surround yourself with people who reflect your newly chosen path.

7.6. Buy local and organic.

8. Always remember, we’re in this together!