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The Giver создатель Mind Map: The Giver

1. There are different age groups

2. After celebration 12 you have to work at the place you are assigned to

2.1. They can work as nurses or nurturers.

2.2. You can work as an announcer who makes all of the important announcements

3. They are always being watched

4. They have the celebrations of 1-12

4.1. In celebration 8 they get their bicycles

4.2. In celebration 1 they get assigned to their familiy units and get their names

4.3. At celebration 12 they get assigned their jobs

5. They have very strict rules that must be followed exactly

6. They have to volunteer at the place of their choice

6.1. They can volunteer at the house of old which has the elderly people in it

7. They have family units that they get assigned to

7.1. His dad is a nurturer

7.2. His mom works at the department of justice

7.3. They have Gabriel in their home to take care of him so he won't be released

7.4. Lily is Jonas's sister