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Listening and Speaking создатель Mind Map: Listening and Speaking

1. Using Standards to Focus Instruction

1.1. Common core is created for native english speakers

1.2. Model performance indicators show what developmental level ELLs are at

2. Promoting oral Language Development in the Classroom

2.1. ELLs must have an opportunity to listen

2.2. Total Physical Response allows ELLs to visualize english words and concepts

2.3. Listening comprehension tasks can keeps ELLs focused, challenged and interested

2.4. Listening centers provide a low stress environment for ELLs to learn

2.5. Oral retelling allows for ELLs to practice saying keywords or phrases

2.6. Minimal pairs are words that differ by one phoneme

2.7. Cooperative learning allows for students to learn together in small, manageable groups

2.8. Think-pair-share allows for students to work with each other in a guided way

2.9. Roundtable puts 3 to 6 students together to help brainstorm ideas

2.10. Role play, barrier games, obstacle courses and acting are fun ways for students to work together and develop language skills

2.10.1. Several technologies can helps ELLs practice their speaking

3. Assessing Learning and Speaking

3.1. The only effective way to assess ELLs is to talk to them and listen to them speak

3.2. Reading a book together is an easy, low stress way to assess a student's english skills

4. What we know from research about oral language and ELLs

4.1. Oral language is not heavily researched in the US

4.2. It takes time for ELLs to develop english proficency

4.3. ELLs need some English skill before they can make use of speaking with native English speakersl

4.4. Using the ELLs native language in the beginning contributes to academic development

4.5. Tests do not show the whole picture

4.6. Oral language skills are useful for reading large chunks of text

4.7. Oral language skills are strongly connected to reading comprehension and writing

5. Using Theory to Guide Decision Making

5.1. Teachers should be selective on the type of feedback they give to ELLs

5.2. Oracy are oral language skills

5.3. Most ELLs will go through a silent period

5.4. Allowing ELLs a chance to process their thoughts is called wait time

5.5. Teachers need to give ELLs an opportunity to speak

5.6. The five productive talk moves are revoicing, repeating, reasoning, adding on and waiting