Hack The Hood Community Agreements

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Hack The Hood Community Agreements создатель Mind Map: Hack The Hood Community Agreements

1. Step Up/Step Back

1.1. Make verbal & physical space for others. Invite staff to engage by asking questions, moving physical items that may be blocking them

2. Active Listening

2.1. Let people speak fully & complete their thoughts

2.2. Make eye contact

2.3. Put away distraction (computer, phone)

2.4. Keep comments succinct in large group meetings

3. Supportive Work Environment

3.1. Make room for fun

3.2. Share stories with each other & have non work conversation

3.3. Grab lunch

3.4. Smiles

4. Make Time for Input on Important Decisions

4.1. In meetings, act only if there is time for input

4.2. Be patient if some do not understand what you want or need right away. Try explaining in a different way.

4.3. Share feedback across hierarchy

5. Learn from One Another

5.1. Sharing learning, mistakes, errors with stakeholders

5.2. Build in debrief, reflection and evaluation into each significant processes

6. Meeting Structure

6.1. Every regular meeting we set a facilitator, time keeper & notetaker

6.2. Facilitator requests agenda items ahead of time. Presents an agenda @ meeting.

6.3. Timekeeper keeps track of time, and communicates with facilitator. Ensures meetings begin and end on time.

6.4. Be kind: we start every meeting asking people how they are doing

7. Be Present

7.1. Be on time to meetings. Arrive early. Communicate with others when arriving late.

7.2. Quiet cell phones - put on silent or vibrate. Only answer if you must.

7.3. Participate & add to conversation. Share ideas, debrief, offer solutions.

7.4. Ask questions if you don’t understand or need clarity.

8. Take Risks

8.1. Be vulnerable. Ignore uncomfortable or scary feelings in order to contribute to process.

8.2. Pitch ideas

9. Commit to the Work

9.1. Show up for others - events, meetings, etc.

10. Communicate with Intention

10.1. Use “I” statements

10.2. Keep interruptions to a minimum - one mic, one diva

10.3. Be direct. Ask what did or didn't work.

10.4. Allow others to speak for themselves - ask for clarity rather than only paraphrasing