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Environment Issue создатель Mind Map: Environment Issue

1. Polution

1.1. occures in most cities

1.2. harms not only wield life but ourselves

1.3. health problems

2. Reyclyling

2.1. Too much littering of reusable objects

2.2. causes polution

2.3. Reduce landfills

3. resorces

3.1. burning fossil fuels

3.1.1. polution

3.2. coal farms

4. Drought

4.1. Is's bad for plants

4.2. water prices increase

4.3. Farmers loose money

4.4. People will have to pay more for food

4.5. Lack drink water for wild anmials

4.6. expencive for farmers to build wells

4.7. Lost of incomes

4.8. Threat to the public

4.9. causes people to move

5. Climate Change

5.1. endangers local life formes

5.2. Causes droughts

5.3. Cause wildfires when its dry

5.4. causes floods

5.5. leads to natural disasters

5.6. Cause animials to die erase*