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Dockyard Systems создатель Mind Map: Dockyard Systems

1. Boat lifts

1.1. boat lifts are used to takes ships from one water level to another. They employ some fantastic engineering and some fundamental ideas in physics. A shining example of this is the Fallkirk wheel in Scotland.

2. Canal inclined plane

2.1. A canal inclined plane serves essentially the same function as a boat lift except that it resembles an escalator in its working. The boat is slid up on a caisson to another level.

3. Marinas

3.1. Marinas are a network of jettys that are used for sailboats and yachts. They are usually very elegant and picturesque. A prime example of this is the Marina Da Gloria design by Woods Baggot in Brazil

3.2. The Marina Da Gloria is is used for sailboats, where the nature of movement is in a zig-zag pattern, so here the mollusc inspired design makes sense, What sort of design will serve a rowing boat jetty, where the movement is linear?

4. Modular Docking systems

4.1. Modular docking systems is a company that makes modular docks . They work like lego, and have specialized blocks to hold boats and jet skies. The material of the block is softer than the boat and thus does not spoil the surface.

5. Marine railways

5.1. Marine railways or patent slips as hey are otherwise called, as a popular way to hoist boats out of water so that they maybe cleaned and serviced. These are very popular for both small boats and big ships

6. Floating dry dock

6.1. A a dry dock is essentially a place where ships are moored into narrow canals that are then emptied out so that the ship can be serviced in a dry condition. Floating dry dock has the same functions except that it works using buoyancy chambers that are used to lift ships above the surface level of the water to a dry environment. Floating dry docks can also be transported anywhere.