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2016 Women’s Startup Challenge создатель Mind Map: 2016 Women’s Startup Challenge

1. Process

1.1. Identify possible members that could attend this event.

1.1.1. Suggested members to ask: Maderia, Arletha, Araceli, Renee, Abel, Nhat, Teresa, Nia

1.2. Share the opportunity with the members and see if they are interested and available.

1.3. Contact Susan with interested members.

1.4. Members attend the event with Susan and staff.

2. Reference

2.1. There are a great group of judges, including Kathryn Finney from Digital Undivided, and my brilliant friend Lisa Stone.

2.2. Susan: The program has a culminating event in SF, hosted by craig newmark, the week of June 13th. I am both a judge and member of the host committee.

2.3. Susan: if there's interest and the logistics work work, we could invite Hack the Hood alumni to attend the SF event as our guests.

2.4. It will be a very diverse group and have lots of real energy.

2.5. The 10 best women-led startup applicants from across the United States will be selected to pitch their startup on stage in front of our distinguished judging panel of investors and hundreds of attendees in San Francisco in June 14, 2016.

2.6. Prizes include $50,000 in cash, meetings with investors at our Women Startup Speed Dating event the following day hosted at 500 Startups, $270,000 in cloud storage by IBM, etc

3. Original email from Susan

4. Purpose

4.1. Bring members to the 2016 Women’s Startup Challenge

4.2. Deepen the member tech experience

4.3. Support women in tech.

5. Outcomes

5.1. A wonderful opportunity to support women-owned start-ups.

5.2. Brings members, staff and the tech community together.