Начать. Это бесплатно
или регистрация c помощью Вашего email-адреса
Internet Saftety Tips. создатель Mind Map: Internet Saftety Tips.

1. Always check your privacy settings.

1.1. On facebook, twitter, MSN and all of the other chat sites it is very easy to know how, check the instructions page.

2. Do not Share your details.

2.1. Age

2.1.1. New node

2.1.2. New node

2.2. Real Name

2.3. Adress

2.4. Mobile or home number

2.4.1. New node

2.5. Email Adress


3.1. M ake S ure Y ou're N ice

3.1.1. If you are nice people will be nice back.