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Modal verbs создатель Mind Map: Modal verbs

1. Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that can not function as a main verb , unlike auxiliary verbs "be" , "do" and "have" that they can function as a main verb

2. Modal verbs express mode. They can express ability , possibility, necessity or other status.

3. The English verb tenses are not enough to express ideas of chance or uncertainty .

4. Could . "Could " indicates possibility or ability in the past.

5. May.  As "could " , "may" is used to indicate possibilities in the future

6. must  "Must" indicates an obligation, prohibition or need. You can also use "have to" ( having to

7. Nor is there a tense and the subjunctive in Spanish . Therefore, it is very important to understand the uses of modal verbs .

8. Can." Can " indicates skill or ability . In these cases it can be translated as "power" in Spanish

9. Might.  " Might" is used to indicate possibilities in the present or the future. In these cases, it is synonymous with "may" .

10. Should . "Should " indicates an obligation or recommendation. It reflects an opinion on what is right . It translates as the conditional "should" in Spanish .

11. Would ."Would" is used to declare a preference and to ask for something politely.