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English Class создатель Mind Map: English Class

1. Bellwork:

1.1. Difficult questions

1.2. Every class different question

2. Madeline L'Engle

2.1. Author:

2.1.1. A Wrinkle In Time Book:

3. What I think will be on my test

3.1. reading and understanding poems

3.2. identefing poems

3.3. writing poems

3.4. defining poems

4. Poems:

4.1. Haiku

4.2. Alliterations

4.3. Odes

4.4. Limericks

5. Great teacher:

5.1. Ms. de Groot

6. Book reports:

6.1. Our choice

6.2. Written reports

6.3. Oral reports

6.4. Drawn reports