My Foundations For Education

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My Foundations For Education создатель Mind Map: My Foundations For Education

1. Politics of Education

1.1. The Liberal Perspective

1.1.1. ensuring opportunity and equality exists for all students

1.1.2. John Maynard Keynes

1.1.3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt's New Deal

1.2. Progressive Vision

1.2.1. Providing tools necessary for equal education among with poor as well as the rich.

1.2.2. Educating all students so they can contribute to society and government by making truly educated choices

1.2.3. Believes school should be a place to develop talents.

1.2.4. Student centered learning

2. History of U.S. Education

3. Sociological Perspectives

4. Philosophy of Education

5. Schools as Organizations

6. Curriculum and Pedagogy

7. Equality of Opportunity

8. Educational Inequality

9. Educational Reform