Dante Garyon

The exploration and thought mining of a novel-to-be.

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Dante Garyon создатель Mind Map: Dante Garyon

1. Mardij

1.1. Fender

1.1.1. Eddie Dent

1.2. Cally Chalk

1.2.1. Paul Oak

1.2.2. Dirk Partz

1.3. Rathey Box de Circo

1.3.1. Simon Rathey

2. Varachati

2.1. Esylan

2.1.1. Dirk Partz

2.1.2. Commune

2.1.3. Simon Rathey

2.2. Soccor Industries

2.2.1. Massaro

2.2.2. Jackie

2.2.3. Inque Ritique Havoque

2.2.4. Miles

2.2.5. Others from a 45 pg dialogue...

3. I'nd

3.1. Rufus

3.1.1. Sani Aero

3.2. Mardij

3.3. Simon Rathey

3.4. Tharis Strip

3.4.1. Farine Treacle

3.4.2. The Thirteen

3.4.3. Jealous Mage

3.4.4. Pirate Lover

3.5. The Four

3.5.1. water

3.5.2. air

3.5.3. earth

3.5.4. fire