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Textual Storyboard: My Life создатель Mind Map: Textual Storyboard: My Life

1. What actions?

1.1. race startup scene

1.1.1. program runs

1.1.2. announcer says countdown

1.1.3. announcer says start of race

1.1.4. racers all run

1.2. race scene

1.2.1. all racers begin moving forward for a certain distance

1.2.2. racers move at different paces

1.2.3. all racers cross the finish line at different times I cross the line fourth

1.3. race end scene

1.3.1. race ends

1.3.2. announcer runs to end of race track

1.3.3. announcer recognizes and congratulates top racers

1.3.4. anika shouts 'yay'

1.3.5. program ends

2. What story is to be told?

2.1. running my first 5k race and placing fourth out of twenty people in my division

2.1.1. won't be including twenty people in my program just top four

2.1.2. would be difficult to then see my character while capturing all twenty racers

2.2. I enjoy participating in sports and running

3. Which virtual world?

3.1. grass virtual world

4. Which objects?

4.1. four teen persons (racers)

4.2. three tracks

4.3. one track finish

4.4. one adult (race starter)