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Novus Summit: Themes & Goals создатель Mind Map: Novus Summit: Themes & Goals

1. Themes: The summit will focus on the intersection of two themes.

1.1. Theme: Science, Technology, & Innovation

1.2. Theme: Intergenerational Integration

1.2.1. How do we shift the current mindset from "us" vs "them" to "we."

1.2.2. How might we set deeper intentions and actions around forgiveness and compassion? First, we must  start by learning to forgive and be compassionate to ourselves.

1.2.3. How might we facilitate families coming together in the room during the event?

1.3. Intersection: How might science, technology, and innovation help unite generations in *action* and advance the SDGs?

2. Programming Considerations

2.1. How do these themes affect curatorial decisions, speaker outreach and support?

2.1.1. Ex: A focus on longevity tech can shift to longevity tech + reintegrating the wisdom of elders.

2.2. Potential Speakers

2.2.1. Clay Shirky (NYU)

3. Goals: With a goal of shifting audience members from Influence to Impact.