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USGD 2016 GOALS создатель Mind Map: USGD 2016 GOALS

1. Cronkite

1.1. Callahan

1.1.1. schedule a meeting with him for after classes start--TBD EMAIL SENT

1.1.2. Some level of involvement with centennial celebration

1.1.3. go over technology- talk about getting adobe on personal computers/tech fees--during the year

1.2. Orientation

1.2.1. as summer ends get in with Mary about being at the freshman welcome events-EMAIL SENT AWAITING REPLY

1.3. Targeted move in

1.3.1. Bryce and I should go up to the Cronkite floors and introduce ourselves-visibility.

2. Senate

2.1. Roberts Rules of Order

2.1.1. Read over it this summer

2.1.2. will be in training (im assuming)

2.2. Intern program

2.2.1. work with Jade

2.2.2. Phone meeting with Taylor Homes from Tempe-second contact needed