Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software

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Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software создатель Mind Map: Chapter 2 : Multimedia Hardware and Software

1. What You Need: Hardware

1.1. 1) Production Platforms

1.2. 2) Windowa vs. Macintosh

1.3. 3) Connections

1.4. 4) IDE

1.5. 5) USB

1.6. 6) FireWire

1.7. .7) Memory and storage devices

1.8. 8) Input devices

1.9. 9) Output devices

2. What You Need: Software

2.1. 1) Text editing and word processing tools

2.2. 2) OCR Software

2.3. 3) Painting tools

2.4. 4) Drawing tools

2.5. 5) 3D modeling tools

2.6. 6) Image editing tools

2.7. 7) Sound editing tools

2.8. 8) Animation, video, and digital movie tools

3. What You Need : Authoring Systems

3.1. Types of authoring tools

3.1.1. 1) Card- and page-based authoring tools

3.1.2. 2) Icon- and object-based authoring tools

3.1.3. 3) Time-based authoring tools

3.2. 1) Object

3.3. 2) Editing and Organizing Features

3.4. 3) Programming Features

3.5. 4) Interactivity Features

3.6. 5) Performance-tuning

3.7. 6) Playback Features

3.8. 7) Delivery Features

3.9. 8) Cross-Platform

3.10. 9) Internet-playability features

4. 1) Alpa Testing

4.1. -to review the concept,format ,user interface and the layout.

5. 4 Basic Stage in Multimedia Project

5.1. 1) Planning and Costing

5.2. 2) Designing and Producing

5.3. 3) Testing

5.4. 4) Delivering

6. 2 Type of Testing

6.1. 2) Beta Testing

6.1.1. -to find bugs or content errors

7. The Tangible Assets in Multimedia:

7.1. 1) Creativity

7.2. 2) Organization

7.3. 3) Communication

8. What you need: Multimedia Skills

8.1. 1) Project Manager

8.2. 2) Multimedia Designer

8.3. 3) Interface Designer

8.4. 4) Writer

8.5. 5) Video/Audio Specialist

8.6. 5) Multimedia Programmers