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Chapter 3 Text создатель Mind Map: Chapter 3 Text

1. Computer and Text

1.1. Bitmap font

1.1.1. Matrix of dots

1.1.2. Matrix of pixels

1.2. Vector font

1.2.1. Instruction formulae

1.2.2. Mathematical formulae

1.3. Character sets

1.3.1. Extended character set (ISO latin-1)

1.3.2. Unicode

2. Font Editing and Design Tools

2.1. Fontographer

2.1.1. Specialized graphics editor

2.2. Hypertext

2.3. Hypermedia

3. Hypermedia Structures

3.1. Links

3.2. Nodes

3.3. Anchors

4. Understanding Fonts and Typefaces

4.1. Font Styles

4.1.1. Boldface

4.1.2. Italic

4.1.3. Underlining

4.1.4. Outlining

4.2. Font terminology

4.2.1. Baceline

4.2.2. Cap height

4.2.3. X-height

4.2.4. Ascenders/Descenders

4.2.5. Kerning

4.2.6. Tracking

4.2.7. Serif and Sans Serif

4.3. Cases

4.3.1. Uppercase

4.3.2. Lowercase

4.3.3. CamelCase

5. Text Elements in a Multimedia Presentation

5.1. Menus for navigation

5.2. Interactive buttons

5.3. Fields for reading

5.4. HTML documents

6. Text in a Multimedia Presentation