Domestic Violence: Problems with Society

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Domestic Violence: Problems with Society создатель Mind Map: Domestic Violence: Problems with Society

1. Sentencing of the crime

1.1. the perpetrator won't get more than 5 years and probation for this crime

1.2. it should be longer

2. Victim

2.1. Thoughts

2.1.1. why doesn't the victim tell anybody

2.1.2. how come they lie about the bruises

2.1.3. why do they stay

3. Family

3.1. Parents

3.1.1. why don't the parents notice

3.2. SIblings

4. Perpetrator

4.1. Feelings

4.1.1. what makes them want to do such a thing

4.1.2. why don't they admit to what they have done

4.1.3. why don't they move on