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Taxes создатель Mind Map: Taxes

1. should every city have equal tax rate?

1.1. yes

1.1.1. every one would pay equal tax, some states may start to work similar to each other.

1.2. No

1.2.1. some states need more tax money than others some are larger some states have more people on government support

2. what would happen if there were no taxes?

2.1. many people would go homeless

2.1.1. many states would have less thriving cities

3. should they be lower?

3.1. some people believe they should

3.2. i believe they should slightly be lowered

3.2.1. sometimes taxes can get outrages sometimes paying 30$ in tax for one item

4. what will happen if they are lowered

4.1. we wont have as many new buildings or thriving cities

4.2. people living off of government support could go homeless.

5. what do they help right now

5.1. they contribute to new features or buildings in a city

5.2. they contribute to people living off of government support and some soup kitchens