IAF Emena 2016 Conference at a glance

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IAF Emena 2016 Conference at a glance создатель Mind Map: IAF Emena 2016 Conference at a glance

1. conference trailer

2. in advance

2.1. meet keynote speakers

2.1.1. Laurens Schrijnen

2.1.2. Mark Pixley

2.1.3. Daria Ofman

2.1.4. Sophia Bustamante

2.2. workshop trailers

2.2.1. Trends and technology timeline (by Olga Nozhnina and Julia Volikova)

2.2.2. Work community game for Changeskills (Hiltrud Kinnunen and Sami Sarén)

2.2.3. Helping Your Clients Make Decisions Within Complex Systems (Kathleen A. Paris)

2.2.4. Is there a single, universal principle of facilitation? Mine's ORID! (Martin Gilbraith)

2.2.5. Follow the Leader - an exploration of groupthink from a personal perspective, using an original combination of facilitation methods and tools (Pascall de Groen)

2.2.6. Facilitating visual storytelling for sustainable results (Simon Koolwijk)

2.2.7. Canvases as Co-Facilitator (Anja Ebers)

2.2.8. Facilitation and Culture (Michael Ashworth)

2.2.9. Sessions Design Kit - Enjoyable Way of Creating Sessions (Liudmila Dudorova, Bruce Rowling and Mikhail Rossius)

2.2.10. Stimulating Conversation: Peers Share Their Practice (Jeffer London)

2.2.11. The project canvas, bridging the gap between idea and execution (Pieter Daelman)

3. ... play around

3.1. open branches

3.2. close branches

3.3. link

3.4. notes

3.5. attachement

3.6. click on images to enlarge

4. Mind Mapping by CreaMatics | Hans Terhurne & Koen van Leijsen

5. participants

6. Pictures

6.1. by photographer

6.2. by participants

7. opening @ LEF Future Center

7.1. opening & keynote

7.1.1. Laurens Schrijnen

7.1.2. Leadership and Innovation

7.2. Experiencing LEF Future Center

7.2.1. brochure

7.3. Facilitation Impact Award ceremony

7.3.1. a video

7.3.2. a picture

7.3.3. Robert Verheule Brain Facilitation, impact of spheres

8. @ Kontakt der Kontinenten

8.1. keynotes

8.1.1. Opening and keynote on the search for Facilitative Leadership Mark Pixley The search for facilitative leadership

8.1.2. Keynote on allying Facilitative Leadership Sophia Bustamente Applying Facilitative Leadership

8.1.3. Keynotes Daria Ofman Exploring Facilitative leadership (on humour and compassion) Exploring Facilitative Leadership Facilitating in 3 realities

8.2. workshop planning

8.2.1. on the floor

8.2.2. on the wall 1

8.2.3. on the wall 2

9. miscellaneous

9.1. design team

9.1.1. Laura den Houdijker

9.1.2. Koen van Leijsen

9.1.3. Hans Terhurne

9.1.4. Martijn Timmermans

9.1.5. Marc van Seters

9.1.6. Martin Farrell

9.1.7. and many more

9.2. hashtag #IAFEMENA16

9.3. conference website

9.4. mail

9.5. looking back on inspiring days

10. sponsorships

10.1. Rijkswaterstaat

10.2. GoldLabelCreation

10.3. Points of You

11. see you again in October 2017 @Paris!