Mann, Vrij, and Bull   lying

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Mann, Vrij, and Bull   lying создатель Mind Map: Mann, Vrij, and Bull   lying

1. aim

1.1. Retest findings from previous studies with a natural environment

1.2. distinguish between those who are lying and those who are telling the truth

1.3. To determine if cognitive load  causes changes in behavior relevant to lying or telling the truth.

2. Videos

2.1. total of 65 clips 27 truths and 38 lies each told at least one truth and one lie

3. Find Behaviors shown lying

3.1. increased fidgeting

3.2. decreased eye contact

3.3. act nervous

4. Participants

4.1. 13 males 3 females

4.2. all under 65

4.3. 15 white, 1 Asian