Foundation of Education ED 302

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Foundation of Education ED 302 создатель Mind Map: Foundation of Education ED 302

1. Chapter 2--Politics of Education

1.1. conservative perspective

1.1.1. role of the school *providing the necessary educational training to ensure that the most talented and hard-working individual receive the necessary tools to maximize economic and social productivity                                       *socialize children into adult roles             *transmitting the cultural transitions through what is taught definition of educational problem 1. decline of standards                          2. decline of cultural literacy                  3. decline of values or of civilization          4. decline of authority unequal educational performance

1.2. four purposes of education

1.2.1. 1. Intellectual *teach basic cognitive skills transmit specific knowledge acquire higher-order thinking skills

1.2.2. 2. political inculcate allegiance to the existing political order to prepare citizens who will participate in this political order help assimilate diverse culture groups teach children the basic laws of society

1.2.3. 3. social help solve social problems work as one of many institutions socialize children into various roles, behavior, and values of society

1.2.4. 4. economic prepare students for their later occupational roles

2. Chapter 3 -History of  Education

2.1. Progressive Reform

2.1.1. a curriculum that responsed to both the needs od students and the times

2.1.2. child-centered education, freedom and individualism

2.1.3. relativism of academic standards in the name of equality

2.2. Conservative Perspectives

2.2.1. believed that the historical pursuit of social and political objectives resulted in significant harm to the traditional academic goals of schooling

3. Chapter 4 - Sociology of Education

3.1. Functionalism

3.1.1. focuses on the way that education serves the needs of society

3.2. Conflict Theory

3.2.1. social inequality and preserving power of those who dominate society

3.3. Interactionalism

3.3.1. focuses on on how teacher exceptions influence student

3.4. Effects of schooling on individuals

3.4.1. 1. Employment-schools do not provide job skills

3.4.2. 2. Education and Mobility- education may have little to do with mobility

3.4.3. 3. Teacher Behavior- have a huge impact on student learning and behavoir

3.4.4. 4. Inadequate Schools-schools reproduce inequalities through inadequate schools

3.4.5. 5. Gender-schools reproduce inequalities through gender discriminations

4. Chapter 5 -Philosophy of Education

4.1. Pragmatism - a philosophy that encourages people to find processes that work in order to achieve their desired ends

4.1.1. Key Researchers Francis Bacon, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey (termed progressive education)

4.1.2. Generic Notions educators start with the needs and interest of the child in the classroom, allow the child to participate in planning their course of study, employ project methods and depend heavily on experiential learning

4.1.3. Goal of Education role of the school is to integrate children into a democratic society, role of education is growth

4.1.4. Role of Teacher encourage, offer suggestion,questions, and help plan and implement course of study

4.1.5. Methods of Instruction individually and group, problem-solving or inquiry method

4.1.6. Curriculum traditional discipline-centered curriculum, subject matter investigation by students

5. Chapter 9 -Educational Inequality

6. Chapter 10 -Educational Reform

7. Chapter 6 -Schools as Organizations

8. Chapter 7 -Curriculum and Pedagogy

9. Chapter 8 -Equality of Opportunity