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My Foundations of Education создатель Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Schools as Organizations

2. Curriculum and Pedagogy

3. Equality of Opportunity

4. Educational Inequality

5. Educational Reform

6. Ch. 2 - Politics of Education

6.1. Purposes of Schooling

6.1.1. The Intellectual - To teach basic cognitive skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics, and to help students acquire higher order thinking skills such as analysis and evalluation.

6.1.2. The Political - To prepare citizens who will participate in the political order, and to teach children the basic laws of the society.

6.1.3. The Social - To help solve social problems, to ensure social cohesion.  The process of socialization, a key ingredient to the stability of any society.

6.1.4. The Economic - To prepare students for their later role in occupation.  To train individuals into the division of labor, or, to prepare students to work.

6.2. Political Perspectives

6.2.1. The Conservative Perspective - Looks at the social evaluation the enables the strongest individuals or groups to survive.  The belief that the free market of capitalism is the most economically productive system that is most respectful of human needs.

6.2.2. The Liberal Perspective - Concerned primarily with balancing the economic productivity of capitalism with the social and economic needs of the majority of the people in the U.S.

6.2.3. The Radical Perspective - Does not believe in free market capitalism, but it believes that democratic socialism is a more fair economic political system.  they believe that the capitalist system is the center of the U.S. social problems.

6.3. The Role of the School

6.3.1. The school's role is directly concerned with the aims, purposes, and functions of education in a society.

7. Ch. 3 - History of U.S. Education

7.1. The Age of Reform - The fight for free public education was led by Horace Mann of Massachusetts in 1837, where he fought for a state board of education, where he later became secretary for 11 years.

7.2. Education for All - Before 1875 most education was in private academies with about 25,000 students.  Between 1880 and 1920 almost 2.4 million students attended public schools, and obviously, that number has sky rocketed since.

8. Ch. 4 - Sociological Perspectives

8.1. The Relation between School and Society - Socialization helps shape students greatly.  Anything can shape students, whether it be school, church, parents and this is done by socialization.

8.2. Employment - Just over half of college graduates in the U.S. entered the workforce in different capacities, and it is not based on race, gender, or religious beliefs.

8.3. Teacher Behavior- Teachers have a huge impact on their students. When teachers demand more from their students, and help them achieve this level of demands, they learn more and feel better about themselves.

9. Ch. 5 - Philosophy of Education

9.1. What Is Philosophy of Education? - It is a practice, whereas philosophy has no end.  All teachers have their own philosophy and values that they use in their classroom.  It helps answer who the students are and want to be, and what their purpose is.

9.2. There are different types of philosophy: Idealism, Realism, and Pragmatism, to name a few, each with different methods.