Macmillan Education (Eng 1)

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Macmillan Education (Eng 1) создатель Mind Map: Macmillan Education (Eng 1)

1. Unit 8 (Love and romance)

1.1. Love and romance

1.1.1. Vocabulary 1-relationships

1.1.2. Grammar 1-expressing likes, desires and preferences

1.1.3. Grammar 2-gerund phrases as subject and object

1.1.4. Writing-identifying paragraph structure

1.1.5. Listening-understanding instructions and processes

1.1.6. Vocabulary 2-get + adjective

1.1.7. Read and write

1.1.8. Down time

1.2. Grammar review

1.2.1. Grammar review 1-expressing likes, desires and preferences

1.2.2. Grammar review 2-gerund phrases as subject and object

1.3. Video

1.3.1. Video-Before you watch

1.3.2. Video-While you watch

1.3.3. Video-After you watch

2. Unit 7 (A question of taste)

2.1. A question of taste

2.1.1. Vocabulary 1-adjectives to describe food

2.1.2. Grammar 1-too, enough, not … enough

2.1.3. Vocabulary 2-food containers

2.1.4. Communication strategy-explaining what you mean

2.1.5. Grammar 2-quantifiers

2.1.6. Reading-prediction

2.1.7. Listen and write

2.1.8. Down time

2.2. Grammar review

2.2.1. Grammar review 1-too, enough, not … enough

2.2.2. Grammar review 2-quantifiers

2.3. Video

2.3.1. Video-Before you watch

2.3.2. Video-While you watch

2.3.3. Video-After you watch